A x-ray transport code system for dosimetry
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CInterpolatorAbstract base class for interpolators
 CLinearClass which performs linear interpolation
 CLogLogLinearClass which performs linear interpolation on a log-log scale
 CLogLogSplineClass which performs 3rd order spline interpolation on a log-log scale
 CSplineClass which performs 3rd order spline interpolation
 CContinuousInversionClass which uses PENELOPE's RITA inversion sampling algorithm to sample from a continuous distribution
 CDiscreteInversionClass which uses inversion sampling to sample from a discrete distribution
 CUniformClass which represents a uniform distribution
 CAACuboidVolumeTallyClass which represents an axis-aligned cuboid volume tally
 CBeamDirectionalityClass which represents a beam directionality
 CCoherentScatteringClass which represents the coherent scattering interaction
 CComputationalDomainClass which represents the computational domain
 CCountSurfaceQuantityClass which represents a count quantity for a surface tally
 CCountValueClass which represents a count quantity. Used by the Tally classes to store simulation data
 CDataAccessObjectClass which provides an interface to a SQLite database
 CDatabaseExceptionException class for database errors
 CDirectionalityVirtual class which represents a directionality for a photon source
 CDiscIsotropicDirectionalityClass which represents a disc isotropic directionality
 CDiscSurfaceTallyClass which represents a disc surface tally
 CEnergySpectrumVirtual class which represents an energy spectrum for a photon source
 CIncoherentScatteringClass which represents the incoherent scattering interaction
 CInteractionDataClass which provides access to various simulation significant data
 CIsotropicDirectionalityClass which represents an isotropic directionality
 CMaterialClass which represents a material
 CMaterialDataClass which contains the computed simulation data for a material
 CMaterialPropertiesClass which represents the properties of a material
 CMonoenergeticSpectrumClass which represents a monoenergetic energy spectrum
 CParticleClass which represents a particle
 CParticleInteractionBehaviorVirtual class which represents the behavior of a particle when it interacts with a material
 CPhotoelectricEffectClass which represents the photoelectric effect interaction
 CPhotonClass which represents a photon. Inherits from Particle
 CPhotonScatteringHistoryStruct which contains the scattering history of a photon
 CPhotonSourceClass which represents a photon source
 CPointGeometryClass which represents a point geometry
 CPolyenergeticSpectrumClass which represents a polyenergetic energy spectrum
 CRectangularIsotropicDirectionalityClass which represents a rectangular isotropic directionality
 CRectangularSurfaceTallyClass which represents a rectangular surface tally
 CSourceGeometryVirtual class which represents a geometry for a photon source
 CSurfaceQuantityContainerClass which represents a container for surface quantities
 CSurfaceTallyVirtual class which represents a surface tally
 CSurfaceTallyDataStruct which stores data for a surface tally
 CTempSurfaceTallyDataStruct which represents the temporary data for a surface tally
 CTempVolumeTallyDataStruct which represents the temporary data for a volume tally
 CTempVoxelDataStruct which represents the temporary data for a voxel
 CVectorSurfaceQuantityClass which represents a vector quantity for a surface tally
 CVectorValueClass which represents a vector quantity. Used by the Tally classes to store simulation data
 CVectorVolumeQuantityClass which represents a vector quantity for a volume tally
 CVolumeQuantityContainerClass which represents a container for volume quantities
 CVolumeTallyVirtual class which represents a volume tally
 CVolumeTallyDataStruct which stores data for a volume tally
 CVoxelStruct which represents a voxel
 CVoxelGridClass which represents a voxel grid