A x-ray transport code system for dosimetry
▼NInterpolator | |
CInterpolator | Abstract base class for interpolators |
CLinear | Class which performs linear interpolation |
CLogLogLinear | Class which performs linear interpolation on a log-log scale |
CLogLogSpline | Class which performs 3rd order spline interpolation on a log-log scale |
CSpline | Class which performs 3rd order spline interpolation |
▼NProbabilityDist | |
CContinuousInversion | Class which uses PENELOPE's RITA inversion sampling algorithm to sample from a continuous distribution |
CDiscreteInversion | Class which uses inversion sampling to sample from a discrete distribution |
CIntervalData | |
CUniform | Class which represents a uniform distribution |
CAACuboidVolumeTally | Class which represents an axis-aligned cuboid volume tally |
CBeamDirectionality | Class which represents a beam directionality |
CCoherentScattering | Class which represents the coherent scattering interaction |
CComputationalDomain | Class which represents the computational domain |
CCountSurfaceQuantity | Class which represents a count quantity for a surface tally |
CCountValue | Class which represents a count quantity. Used by the Tally classes to store simulation data |
CCountVolumeQuantity | |
CDataAccessObject | Class which provides an interface to a SQLite database |
CDatabaseException | Exception class for database errors |
CDirectionality | Virtual class which represents a directionality for a photon source |
CDiscIsotropicDirectionality | Class which represents a disc isotropic directionality |
CDiscSurfaceTally | Class which represents a disc surface tally |
CEnergySpectrum | Virtual class which represents an energy spectrum for a photon source |
CIncoherentScattering | Class which represents the incoherent scattering interaction |
CInteractionData | Class which provides access to various simulation significant data |
CIsotropicDirectionality | Class which represents an isotropic directionality |
CMaterial | Class which represents a material |
CMaterialData | Class which contains the computed simulation data for a material |
CMaterialProperties | Class which represents the properties of a material |
CMonoenergeticSpectrum | Class which represents a monoenergetic energy spectrum |
CParticle | Class which represents a particle |
CParticleInteractionBehavior | Virtual class which represents the behavior of a particle when it interacts with a material |
CPhotoelectricEffect | Class which represents the photoelectric effect interaction |
CPhoton | Class which represents a photon. Inherits from Particle |
CPhotonScatteringHistory | Struct which contains the scattering history of a photon |
CPhotonSource | Class which represents a photon source |
CPhysicsEngine | |
CPointGeometry | Class which represents a point geometry |
CPolyenergeticSpectrum | Class which represents a polyenergetic energy spectrum |
CRectangularIsotropicDirectionality | Class which represents a rectangular isotropic directionality |
CRectangularSurfaceTally | Class which represents a rectangular surface tally |
CSourceGeometry | Virtual class which represents a geometry for a photon source |
CSurfaceQuantityContainer | Class which represents a container for surface quantities |
CSurfaceTally | Virtual class which represents a surface tally |
CSurfaceTallyData | Struct which stores data for a surface tally |
CTempSurfaceTallyData | Struct which represents the temporary data for a surface tally |
CTempVolumeTallyData | Struct which represents the temporary data for a volume tally |
CTempVoxelData | Struct which represents the temporary data for a voxel |
CVectorSurfaceQuantity | Class which represents a vector quantity for a surface tally |
CVectorValue | Class which represents a vector quantity. Used by the Tally classes to store simulation data |
CVectorVolumeQuantity | Class which represents a vector quantity for a volume tally |
CVolumeQuantityContainer | Class which represents a container for volume quantities |
CVolumeTally | Virtual class which represents a volume tally |
CVolumeTallyData | Struct which stores data for a volume tally |
CVoxel | Struct which represents a voxel |
CVoxelGrid | Class which represents a voxel grid |